Ranging from personal accounts to academic books, we hope this will be helpful in learning about historical, regional, and religious coverings

The Illuminating Spark: Pagan Veiling

Ashli Hall

A follower of Brighid discusses their own choice to veil and how she came to the practice.

Veiling for Fun and Profit

Lea Svendsen

Blog post by a Lokean nun explaining the author’s reasons for adopting the veil, and how it fits into a Lokean practice.

What’s the Point of Veiling “Sometimes?”


A follower of Apollon discusses xyr reasons for veiling, how Christian mindsets kept xem from the practice for a time, and why it chooses to veil some times but not others.


On the practice of veiling

Elani Temperance

An overview of veiling in historical Hellenic polytheism.

Head Covering in Roman Polytheism

A summary of veiling, particularly by women, in Ancient Rome and Roman polytheism.

Veiling in the Pagan World

Amanda Jeffery

A brief explanation of modern pagan veiling, including suggestions for different styles.

Head-wear and The Brat

Ceara Shionnach

Overviews of women’s headwear and the brat or mantle worn in early Ireland.

Hooded Histories

Alexandra van Dongen

In in-depth article on the history of a Dutch cloak, the huik, and its origins in the North African haik by way of Spain. Originally adopted for fashion and practicality in a northern climate, the huik eventually developed into regional mourning dress.

Lima’s Veiled Rebels: The Tapadas Limeñas

Martha Meier (ed. Rachel Chase)

A short history of the manto and the women who wore this veil, which allowed them greater social freedom through anonymity.

Viking Age head-coverings

Margaret Sanborn

A list of hairstyles and headwear, with pictures, theorized to have been worn by women in ancient and medieval Scandinavia.

Early American Women Unmasked

Philippe Halbert

An examination of the moretta or vizier mask popular among women in England and the American Colonies during the 18th century. The author spends some time on how these masks, like the manto, gave women greater social freedom by obscuring their identity.

In France, Debates About the Veil Hide a Long History

Jason Farago

Written in response to French policies banning veil styles associated with Islam. The article goes over some veils historically worn in western culture.

Aphrodite’s Tortoise

Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones

An excellent resource for anything regarding veiling in Ancient Greece. This book covers the cultural connotations of veiling, popular styles, mourning and marriage customs related to veils, and draws connections between ancient veils and those worn today.

What People Wore When

ed. Melissa Leventon

A collection of 19th century illustrations, mainly depicting historical and folk clothing from Europe, with modern notes from historians.

Medieval Costume and How To Recreate It

Dorothy Hartley

Originally published in the 1930s, the research isn’t the most up-to-date, but the diagrams of construction are helpful for anyone looking to replicate historical headwear. Included are patterns for hoods, caps, hats, and headwraps.

The Meaning of the Veil in Ancient Greek Culture

Douglas Cairns

An article providing cultural context for veiling in Ancient Greece. It goes into men’s and women’s practices.

Textiles and Temple Inventories. Detecting an Invisible Votive Tradition in Greek Sanctuaries in the second half of the first Millennium BC

Cecilie Brøns

This article examines the various textiles given in Ancient Greece as votive offerings. Among these are veils and hair nets.

Art on the edge: hair and hands in Renaissance Italy

Evelyn Welch

In this paper, Welch discusses various styles of headwear worn in Rennaisance Italy.

Ancient Greek Prostitutes and the Textile Industry in Attic Vase-Painting ca. 550–450 B.C.E.

Marina Fischer

The connection between sex workers and the textile industry in Ancient Greece is examined in this paper, as well as representations of Aphrodite which referencing textile work. Some images of hair nets are included in the appendix. An extended study of the subject can be found in the author’s thesis: The Prostitute and Her Headdress: the Mitra, Sakkos and Kekryphalos in Attic Red-figure Vase-painting ca. 550-450 BCE.

Sprang Hair Nets: Their Manufacture and Use in Ancient Greece

Ian Jenkins and Dyfri Williams

The creation and construction of sprang hair nets, with illustrations and diagrams.

Virtue and Veiling: Perspectives from Ancient to Abbasid Times

Khairunessa Dossani

In this thesis, Dossani examines the connection between veiling and concepts of female virtue in a wide range of cultures from 1700 BCE to the 12th century CE.

Kievan Rus Womens Clothing

Ana Betina

An overview of 10th to 15th century clothing in Eastern Slavic culture. The author describes various styles of headwear and accessories such as temple rings and kolti.

Temple rings, and female headdress of the Eastern Slavs in Rus’ 

Peter Beatson

Illustrations of various temple ring designs from Slavic burials.

Irish Viking Age silks and their place in Hiberno-Norse society

Elizabeth Wincott Heckett

This article examines the clothing which was made with silk in Ireland under Scandinavian influence. These include headwear such as the Dublin cap, and diagrams of this cap as well as a reconstruction are included at the end.

Akanthos. Figurines from the coastal cemetery

Katerina Rhomiopoulou

Catalog from an exhibition of clay figures from the city of Akanthos, many of which are wearing headcoverings of some sort.

“e-ri-ta’s Dress: Contribution to the Study of the Mycenaean Priestesses’ attire”

Tina Boloti

An examination of the clothing worn by priestesses and goddesses in Mycenaean art, including headwear.

Body and Clothing: A Cultural History of Color in Antiquity

Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones

An examination of color symbolism in Ancient Greek and Roman clothing.

Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil: Challenging Historical & Modern Stereotypes

Katherine Bullock

The author, a convert to Islam, discusses various perspectives, meanings,and stereotypes, and experiences of Muslim veiling. The book is available in full, or a summarized version can be found here.